Freezer Peach Pie Filling


Peaches, peaches EVERYWHERE! Baskets of peaches! I love peaches, but there are only so many peaches 4 humans can consume, and heaven forbid a single one of these beauties goes to waste. It is an absolute joy to pick them (in my pajamas and wellies – oh, yes, quite the visual) from just outside the house.

But, seriously, you can only eat so many, make so much jam, make so many smoothies, and find you’re still left staring at a mound of peaches (you know, resembling the RCA dog – oh, too young for that reference, Google is a wonderful thing), scratching your head and wondering what to do with them all.

I gave it some thought, did a little research, wanting to freeze a couple of pies to have in the middle of the winter when the snow will be up to our tushies.  What’s better than a summery peach pie during the gloom of short, dark days?

This recipe is perfect. You freeze the pie filling in a pie tin so when once you’re ready to bake, all you have to do is plop it in pie dough and bake away!

Great to have had many hands on deck to help with this one!

  • 9 lbs fresh peaches
  • 2 t Fruit Fresh (fruit preservative)
  • 3 1/2 C sugar
  • 1/2 C quick-cooking tapioca, plus
  • 2 T quick-cooking tapioca
  • 1/4 C fresh lemon juice
  • 1 t salt
  • 4 aluminum foil, pie plates

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.


Using a paring knife score the peaches with an X into the skins only.

Into boil

Carefully drop the peaches into the boiling water for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. I would tend to say, at least for this batch, it was over a minute. They may not have been quite ripe enough.

Into ice

Using a slotted spoon remove the peaches to a large bowl of ice water for 1 minute (the skins should slip off easily, if not place them back into the boiling water for 30 seconds).

Slice the peaches then put them into a large bowl; sprinkle with Fruit Fresh and sugar; toss to combine.

NOTE: Could not, could not, could not find any Fruit Fresh! And didn’t think of trying Wal-Mart until the pies were safely tucked away in the freezer. I added a little lemon juice with the sugar to keep them from turning color.


Stir in the tapioca, lemon juice and salt and mix well to combine.

Ready to freeze

Line 4 foil pie plates with heavy foil or freezer paper, placing a piece of plastic wrap over the foil.

Put 4-5 cups of peach filling into each pan, then loosely fold wrapping around the pie; freeze until firm.

When the filling is frozen solid remove from pans and wrap tightly, then return to freezer until ready to use.

NOTE: This seemed to take a ridiculous time to freeze. Be patient. You really want the filling frozen solid. I also wrapped the filling in a few layers of plastic wrap and then slipped them into a 1 gallon freezer bag.

NOTE NOTE: I’ll post on baking day to let you know how this turned out. Perhaps even a photo of the happy people munching on the pie. But in case you need to know NOW what the next step is, see below!


2 (9 inch) pie crusts
4 T cold butter, cut into pieces
1 t cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg

For each pie, place one frozen pie filling in an unbaked 9-inch pie shell. Top with butter pieces (1/4-cup) and sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg.

Top the pie with second pie crust; seal well, then flute as desired.

Bake for about 50-60 minutes in a 375 degree oven.

2 Responses

  1. […] making it through freezing peach pie filling, how hard could apple pie filling be? Certainly apples are easier to peel and core and slice. I […]

  2. […] I know it totally absurd to think that. But after a grueling anf frustrating lovely day of making peach pie filling for the freezer, I could not face another day of submerging peaches in boiling water, dunking them into an ice bath […]

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